In July 2013, young Assyrians from various countries came together and held a summit in Toronto, Canada. The objective of this summit was to establish networks with one another and to strategize for a more collaborative and cohesive future. In 2016, delegates from the summit re-grouped in Stockholm, Sweden, where the blueprints of the World Assembly of Assyrian Youth (WAAY) were officially drawn.
Today, this Assembly includes the following Assyrian youth organizations:
Full Members
- Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Student Union of Canada (ACSSU)
- Assyrian Democratic Organization Youth of Syria
- Assyrian Youth Federation of America (AYFA)
- Assyrian Youth Federation of Central Europe (AJM)
- Young Assyrians of Sweden (UAS)
Associate Members
- Assyrian Cultural and Social Youth Association (ACSYA)
- Assyrian Students’ Association of Australia (ASAA)
- Assyrian Youth Association of Denmark (KABU)
- Gabbara Assyrian Youth Non-Governmental Organization
- Sargon Youth Organization
- The Young Assyrians (TYA)
WAAY’s founding principles and purpose are as follows:
- To act as a global platform for Assyrian youth and to encourage active networking and participation,
- To bridge the Assyrian Diaspora with its Assyrian homeland, as well as drive successful cooperation,
- To remain secular and independent of any religious or political affiliations,
- To share knowledge and resources,
- To lead significant initiatives that shall support the Assyrian youth in the homeland,
- To encourage inclusivity and drive strategic organizational partnerships globally,
- To network with like-minded non-Assyrian youth organizations,
- To encourage youth representation within all countries where Assyrians live,
- To provide consultation on matters concerning Assyrian youth, particularly in the drafting or influencing of policies.